Couple's Reiki Session
90 minute Couple's Sessions bring you healing as individuals so you can come together with your best for each other. Working on your relationship has never been so easy! Available in person or via Zoom.
Reiki is a Japanese method of energy healing, developed in the early 1900s. The word itself translates as rei = universal, all-knowing and ki = chi, energy. It is not part of any religious practice whatsoever. During a session, the practitioner works with their client to set an intention for healing, then connects to this universal energy and channels it into the client. The intention acts as a filter to color/flavor the energy.
Everyone experiences Reiki energy differently - there is no right or wrong way! Some people feel temperature changes or sensations. Some people see colors, hear sounds, or go on journeys; and some people don't experience anything at all. All of this is perfect. As long as you agree to receive healing, the Reiki will do its work.